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Integrating chatGPT into my workflow

· (emacs llm)

Cambrian explosion of generative AI

What a time to be alive! chatgpt4 has just been released; chatgpt3.5, dall-e and copilot are available to the general public; llama.cpp and alpaca.cpp are being developed very fast with the promise of democratizing large language models.

With these tools available to every programmer and data scientist, whoever is not leveraging them will simply be left behind. It is therefore very critical to me to become good at interfacing with these tools.

This means:

  • Learning how to design effective prompts
  • Learning to identify use cases when using LLMs will lead to a faster / more correct solution
  • Integrate these tools into my development environment: minimize context switching and time to solution

ChatGPT and completing code from region

OpenAI and chatgpt are the current leaders of this space. Trial period and credits, great user experience, sensible answers, fast response time.

They provide a simple API: you provide your openAI key and prompt and they will reply with the LLM's prediction.

Let's write an emacs-lisp function that given the key and prompt will return the result:

(defun gpt-complete-str (api-key prompt)
  "Return the prompt answer from OpenAI API."
  (let ((result nil)
        (auth-value (format "Bearer %s" api-key)))
      :type "POST"
      :data (json-encode `(("prompt" . ,prompt)
                           ("model"  . 'gpt-3.5-turbo)))
      :headers `(("Authorization" . ,auth-value) ("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
      :sync t
      :parser 'json-read
      :success (cl-function
                (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
                  (setq result (->> (elt (alist-get 'choices data) 0) (alist-get 'message (alist-get 'content))))))
      :error (cl-function (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
                            (message "Got error: %S" error-thrown))))

Small note: the code above uses an external package called request, which needs to be installed. Now we simply need to write a function that takes the selected region as input and inserts chatGPT's completion.

(defun gpt-complete-region-and-insert (start end)
  "Send the region to OpenAI and insert the result to the end of buffer. "
  (interactive "r")
  (let* ((prompt (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
         (messages `[(("role"    . "user") ("content" . ,prompt))])
         (openai-key (funcall lc/gpt-api-key-getter))
         (result (lc/gpt-complete-str openai-key messages)))
    (when result
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n" result)

And we are done! Let's look at a .gif to make it more tangible:

Completing region with ChatGPT

I have taken inspiration for these functions from this tiny package.

I can easily extend the gpt-complete-region-and-insert to support "completion prefixes", such as:

  • "Add docstring to the following function: \n"
  • "Explain what the following code does. \n"
  • "Improve the following code. \n"

I can then interactively choose the prompt prefix when I invoke the function and build the prompt with prefix and selected region.

Chat with the model and store your prompts in org-mode

Apart from completing code, it can be useful to have a conversation with chatgpt, where the model will take as input previous prompts and outputs. For this purpose I can recommend the amazing chatgpt-shell package.

After M-x chatgpt-shell you can interact with the model in a similar way to the official website (from the comfort of your editor) with minimal setup. You can also interact with dall-E by running the function dall-e-shell. I recommend watching the .gif in the readme.

Finally, it allows you to send query to the model via org code blocks, which is probably my favourite feature. A .gif speaks for itself:

ChatGPT prompts in org-mode

Here I use a keybinding to open my "prompts" file and execute the chatgpt-shell code block.

This approach has two benefits:

  • I can now store my prompts and results in a plain text file.
  • I can use org-mode facilities to create templates.

For example I can use noweb and store the prompt prefix "Act as an emacs-lisp expert." and the prompt outro "Wrap your code in a code block. The code block should be org-mode, NOT markdown" in named blocks. Then, my org prompt template can look like this:


I will conclude with the words generated in the above .gif: integrating ChatGPT into my programming workflow has revolutionized the way I approach problem-solving and collaboration with my team. The ease of use and powerful natural language processing capabilities make it a valuable addition to any programmer's toolkit.